Giving and Living

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

We believe giving to God directly affects us living our lives, and that as we bless Him, He will bless us in every aspect of our lives.

We’re excited to be back in the building where we can take part in Worshiping in Giving together. However, for those who are still joining us online, please see below the details of how you can give from home.

Please also use these details if you wish to give a donation or regularly give your tithes and offering directly into NTCG Nottingham bank account.

When making donations this way, please add your name and type of donation giving as a reference, for example,

Name: J Bloggs

Reference: Tithe


Name: Joe P Bloggs

Reference: Donation Youth Ministry

New Testament Church of God Inc. Nottingham Branch

Sort Code: 54-21-07

Account Number: 99581655